A global financial services firm had been very successful at pitching clients, but the move online, caused by COVID-19, was proving challenging, with normally-confident business development executives and portfolio managers struggling to engage investors in virtual calls. I ran a series of small group workshops for the entire team of 75, to help them master the soft skills that turn a conference call from a stilted information-download, to a rapport-building conversation, where they could win trust and establish strong personal relationships with clients.
“Great combination of practical tools that can be applied right away, coupled with some skills to practice and hone over time.”
“I loved how Bill covered things that people seem to not always consider when joining a virtual meeting.”
“Great and spot on feedback.”
“Feedback on presentation skills was incredibly useful.”
“Bill brings everything to life and gave lots of useful examples that made everything clearer.”
“Bill is a great teacher / facilitator and covered all the key points. He is very observant as well and provides good feedback.”
Over the years I have worked with many women who have been seeking to develop their sense of authority and advance their careers. Very often I have been able to identify small, unconscious behaviours that were undermining others’ perceptions of them. I then helped them practise new ways of interacting that better communicated their status and expertise, and boosted their confidence.
“Bill has been fantastic at helping me develop greater gravitas. Over several 1-2-1 coaching sessions he calmly and supportively showed me numerous ways I could increase my presence and the sense of authority I create. Most were very practical things I was able to apply daily.”
CLO Portfolio Manager, Global Investment Management Company
The asset management division of a major international bank was concerned that its compliance-training had become a tick-the-box exercise. The problem was that its in-house trainers were experts on compliance but not on running workshops. So I worked with the team over a period of months, to help them develop new ways of presenting information and engaging the bank’s employees, that led to much greater understanding of compliance principles and the importance of following internal procedures.
“I think out of all the coaching, mentoring and skills sets I have been given, Bill’s coaching will prove to be invaluable to me and I know I will be putting this into practice throughout the remainder of my career. Thank you Bill, you have changed me personally for the better and as I write this, I have volunteered to carry out some senior management training with board members. I did not even skip a beat when I said I would do it.”
– Hazel Guilder
Head of Advisory Compliance and Regulatory Developments, Bank of Montreal UK
The managers of a $25 billion investment fund were struggling to differentiate themselves from their competitors. So they asked me to help the business development and portfolio management team to refine both the messages and their delivery.
In the course of several weeks throughout 2019, I worked with the team in New York to identify what truly differentiates their offering. My outside eye allowed me to draw out the best of their expertise, whilst also questioning assumptions and challenging their thinking where it risked getting bogged down by standard industry practice.
I also helped them update the slide deck so it complemented the pitch. The result was a streamlined and cohesive product-offering centred on a single, compelling message, that became the heart of their marketing and pitching.
“Bill has been a terrific partner for us as we have been sharpening some of our fund offerings. He has challenged and encouraged the fund teams to refresh their presentations and helped them to improve their presentation skills. Always patient and kind yet firm and incisive.. I highly recommend him”
Global Head of Business Development and Investor Relationship Management

The UK arm of Greenpeace needs its people to present ideas excellently, both internally and externally to donors and politicians. For several years I have run regular workshops to develop their organisational and individual ability to deliver compelling presentations that command attention and promote action.
“Have just completed a 2-hour online training on influencing people via Zoom/video conference. Specifically focused on building presentation skills of major donor fundraisers so we can maximise our impact via this increasingly important and popular medium. The training was brilliant. Bill is a fantastically engaging trainer and all three of us in the session identified and developed new skills we will use in our work. Highly recommended.”
– Graham Gilby
Senior Fundraising Manager, Greenpeace UK

A newly-promoted senior executive was called upon to give speeches and deliver town halls. But her nerves were so great that she could not even bring herself to attend a group workshop on presenting. Over the course of six sessions, we practised some core preparation techniques, in particular those enabling her to get off to a good start.
“Smashed it!”
The Senior Leadership Team of Action Aid UK wanted help preparing for an important staff conference.
“Bill helped us craft our message and deliver it in a much more engaging and impactful way. He built our all round confidence to perform and deliver. As a result we had a much greater impact as a team and received brilliant feedback from colleagues.”
– Richard Miller
Executive Director, Action Aid UK
The CEO of a well-funded start-up wanted to test his product ideas. So we spent three days with his top team, really drilling down into just why his product would appeal to customers. My role was to listen, challenge and summarise. To his enormous credit the CEO was very open to having everything questioned. The result was a much more robust understanding of what he was offering and how to go about marketing it.
“In addition to his declared skill set in psychology, acting, writing and presentation, the surprise bonus with Bill was the depth and quality of his experience and understanding of business strategy. This amplified the value of his contribution to distilling and articulating our message. A phenomenal value proposition delivered by an absolute gentlemen. The iron fist in the velvet glove.“
– Karl Mattingley
CEO Slowvoice
A CEO was concerned that the COVID-19 move to working online, risked isolation and disengagement for his people. So he asked me to deliver a 40 minute session at a meeting of the 90-strong Senior Leadership Team. I showed some of the data linking engagement and productivity and demonstrated various techniques they could use in both formal and informal interactions with their teams to foster engagement and make more human connections
“Thanks for the session yesterday, Martin and I have both received some great feedback from the attendees. Your presentation was inspiring and engaging and will help the leaders be more impactful in their meetings. I loved the part on the presentation slides – it’s so true you can’t read and listen. FYI, one of the team has asked if you could repeat the same session for their team.”
– VP of People
DAVOS Presentation
The CEO of a price-reporting organisation wanted help preparing for an important speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
Over the course of several 1-2-1 sessions we refined both the content of his presentation and his delivery, in particular bringing out his personal qualities of warmth and trustworthiness, which had previously been overshadowed by nerves and an over-reliance on data.
The CEO in question is happy to offer a reference. Please let me know if you’d like to contact him directly.

The neonatal department of an NHS hospital takes continual life-and-death decisions about its vulnerable patients. But frictions within the highly multi-cultural team were undermining its efficiency. I worked with the team over a couple of sessions to address the explicit and implicit tensions, with the happy outcome that the individuals at the centre of the conflict were able to discuss and begin to resolve their differences.